Cross Family Multispeciality Hospital

About Us

Bespoke Services

There are many ways in which our services rise discerningly above the industry standard. Perhaps the most important of them is our ‘Patient First’ approach.    

This philosophy – fundamental to the Cross Family ethos – is reflected in the specific environments designed to meet individual needs without being overtly ‘institutional’. The motto is also manifest in our intensely personalized and inclusively comprehensive bouquet of BCS (‘Bespoke Care Services’) which comprises – amongst other elements – exhaustive assessment & transition planning by our Assessment Teams of behaviour specialists, specialist nurses, consultants, guest relation officers and mental health advisors.    

Feedback and views are constantly encouraged, rigorously analysed and judiciously implemented to ensure that both individual needs and agreed outcomes are met – and that our services don’t just measure up to the high standards our patrons identify us with, but indeed, exceed them.